Our approach to pricing

Our wide and deep experience enables our clients to achieve significant efficiencies in legal fees. We apply flexible approaches to pricing of our services.


Our fees are based primarily on the actual hours worked by our lawyers, with the hourly billing rates varying among lawyers based on their seniority and expertise, reviewed from time to time. Upon completion of initial analysis of the matter, where possible, we estimate indicative budgets for particular phases of work.


Whatever the precise fee structure is, we are committed to accurate budgeting for each phase of the work, and reporting on budget-compliance in a timely and transparent manner. We are also committed to comprehensive and transparent time-entries for all fee-earners and itemised accounting for any expenditure incurred (charged at cost).

In relation to contentious matters, we realize that resolution of disputes, and especially cross-border disputes, has become increasingly expensive and this factor may disincentivise parties to advance legitimate claims and defenses. We help our clients to choose dispute resolution strategies which meet their goals and budgets. Depending on the type of the dispute we may be prepared to consider a flat fee, deferred fee and success fee arrangements. Where appropriate, we put our clients in touch with disputes funders, so that the clients can pursue a joint venture with the funder as to the financing of costs and sharing of returns. We are convinced that there are funding solutions for every dispute and we help our clients to find them.