Egor Chilikov gave a course of lectures on arbitration for first-year master’s students at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The lectures were in English.
The lectures embraced matters of arbitration theory and practice, comparison of approaches to governing arbitration used by Russian and foreign legislators, and review of arbitration rules in Russian and foreign arbitration institutions. In particular, the lectures discussed the following arbitration institutions:
- Nature, fundamental theories and history of arbitration;
- Basic sources governing arbitration in Russia and worldwide;
- Arbitration compared to other dispute resolution mechanisms;
- Jurisdiction of arbitration, validity and enforceability of arbitration clauses, competence to determine jurisdiction, arbitrability of disputes;
- Interactions between arbitral tribunals and national courts;
- Law applicable in and to arbitration;
- Arbitral proceedings;
- Provisional measures in arbitration;
- Evidence and proving in arbitration;
- Binding nature and prejudicial effect of arbitral awards;
- Revocation, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in state courts.
During the course, students solved practical problems, which involved the study of Russian and foreign sources.